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DX of the Takenaka Wire Cloth Co., Ltd.

The DX authorized acquisition

Based on the DX authorization system that Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry sets the Takenaka Wire Cloth Co., Ltd.,
I acquired authorization as "DX authorization company" on February 1, 2025.

Thought to DX promotion

We tried for the introduction of the innovative technique and idea since its formation to meet a variety of needs of the customer as a Wire Cloth production and sales company.
However, in late years the construction of the new business model by the positive pole utilization of the digital technology is required while the environment where a company is placed in changes rapidly, and correspondence to low birthrate and aging and the diversification that is in labor form becomes essential, and a wave of DX spreads.
We aim at the "new value creation" "quick customer needs correspondence" "efficiency of duties" through DX promotion and, in such situation, will carry out the following approaches.

1.The introduction of the digital technology in the company and reinforcement of the information sharing

I carry out maintenance of the digital infrastructure in the office and the DX education for all employees and plan information sharing and decision-making acceleration.
In addition, I build the environment where all employees can utilize a digital tool and by strengthening the digital communication, cooperation between sections, improve productivity of the whole organization.

2.Creation of the new business model

I utilize a data analysis and AI technology and develop business model to provide new added value for an existing product.
In addition, I prepare the structure which can grasp customer needs quickly and by reflecting it for development of products and service, plan improvement of the customer satisfaction.

3.Personnel training and improvement of the digital skill

I carry out the education from basic knowledge of DX to a specialized skill company-wide and plan improvement in digital skill of the employee.
In addition, I organize a team about DX promotion and by promoting the human resources interchange across the section, plan joint ownership of knowledge and the know-how.
In this way, I bring up the human resources who can cope with the change of the times flexibly and aim at the sustained growth of the organization.

We contribute to society through promotion of DX and will aim at the sustainable growth and happiness with all stakeholders.
I would appreciate your support, guidance continuously.
Representative director Kenzo Takenaka

With the DX authorization

I cope with "the digital governance cord" which gathered a matter found for the reformation of society by the digital technology by a manager, and "DX authorization system" is the system that a country authorizes a company admitted that I am ready of the DX promotion.

An authorized company is considered to be "a state (DX-Ready) that a company is ready to revolutionize own business by digital", and this system emphasizes the company and can receive public support measures. In addition, the authorized company can use the logo mark of "the DX authorization system".

Promotion of management visions and DX

"We, the Takenaka Wire Cloth Co., Ltd. are devoted to a main profession
I offer the best product with originality quickly in all sincerity
Employee and customer and stocking they prosper together, and we contribute to society widely."
I contribute to development of customer and supplier through the cause of the corporate philosophy called this, Wire Cloth production and sales.
I promote DX (digital transformation) positively that we cope with the changing environment of customer and stocking them flexibly and provide the service that is high added value continuously.
I utilize a digital technology and strengthen competitiveness by establishing new business model and aim at the sustainable company construction.
Specifically, I review existing duties from a viewpoint of the digitization radically and plan efficiency and the improvement of duties in the company in productivity.
In addition, utilize data in the company positively, a product valuable by the enforcement of the digital marketing strategy and the data analysis of production data with high quality and service to a customer stably
I aim at providing it.
Furthermore, through promotion of DX, I work on the new value creation as the company and the change to the sustainable company.
Therefore, all employees understand importance of DX and try for improvement in consciousness to be concerned positively.

Our DX strategy

1.Improvement in productivity by the process improvement
 We introduce core computer system common throughout the entire company and by realizing the uniform management of financial resources, plan optimization of duties efficiency and the data management.
Through the analysis of data provided from core computer system and visualization, I improve the precision of managerial decisions and promote duties improvement and maintain quickness and the system coping precisely for customer needs.
Furthermore, in the production spot, I distribute a tablet terminal to all workers and by enabling the data acquisition that is real time not to be kept in the place, aim at the improvement in productivity in the spot.
Each employee accesses data of the core computer system and maintains the environment that by performing analysis, visualization, plans quick and correct decision making and duties improvement.

2.Upbringing strategy of DX human resources
 We carry out the training for the purpose of a seminar about the DX promotion and the improvement in information literacy in an office led by DX promotion team, and all employees understand importance of DX deeply and build the system which can participate positively by oneself.
In this way, I strengthen the education support system so that I plan the improvement of DX utilization method and the skill in duties, and each employee grows up as a leading figure of the DX promotion.

DX promotion system organizational chart

[the organization system]
・A supervisory manager "representative director"
・DX promotion secretariat "manager"
・I set up "DX promotion team" in leader at each section with a manager

[approach about upbringing of human resources]
DX promotion team predominates, and our company carries out the training for the purpose of DX promotion seminar and the improvement in information literacy targeting at all employees regularly.
Through this approach, an employee understands significance of DX and the need deeply and aims at bringing up a posture to work on DX voluntarily.
Furthermore, I carry out the training for the purpose of the practical skill acquisition so that each employee utilizes DX in own duties and I provide it premeditatedly and act as a seminar to aim at the acquisition of the basic knowledge, skill that is necessary for DX promotion for application promotion to improvement and business of the information literacy of the employee

Environmental maintenance for the DX promotion

Based on the following concrete policies, I maintain environment to utilize the latest information processing technology to realize duties efficiency, improvement in productivity, improvement in customer satisfaction and creation of the new business opportunity.
1.Maintenance of the data unification environment by the core computer system

2.The tablet distribution to the spot employee and construction of the communication base

3.Digitization support of the exact work by the spot PC introduction of dust proofing specifications

4.Reduction of the digital stress caused by maintenance of the high-speed Wi-Fi environment

5.Construction of the strong information security system utilizing VPN

6.Development and operation of the company production duties improvement application utilizing Excel VBA

7.Improvement in digital literacy of the whole organization by the enforcement of the DX personnel training program

8.The introduction of the cloud type customer communication tool and introduction of the EC site function

DX strategy index

1. Reduction of the overlapping work
 I investigate the overlapping work in each business processes and develop the core computer system that I can reduce by systematization and the uniform management of data.

2. Reduction of the contents for change transmission error
 I digitize a transmission process of the contents for change and reduce a transmission error.

3. The number of know-how and tools accumulated by DX promotion
 I accumulate an efficiency example by the digitization of each business processes for the database in the company systematically.

4. Improvement of the information sharing in the company
 I utilize a digital tool and promote quick and effective joint ownership of the duties related information.
I utilize core computer system in the latest information and the know-how about a project and the measure in each department and it is timely and, led by DX promotion secretary general, builds structure to share.

5. Promotion of the digital communication
 By the introduction of the communication tool, I realize smooth communication regardless of the distance between employees.
In this way, the communication speed between projects improves and promotes the cooperation across the section.

6. Reduction of the scanning time of the paper medium
 I promote the computerization of the spot remit which is a paper medium and reduce scanning work.

7. Becoming paperless
 I promote the becoming paperless in the all areas of our operation including the measure of 1-6 mentioned above in the company.

8. The number of human resources who were familiar with a digital technology and data utilization
 Led by DX promotion secretary general, I choose DX promotion member from the office and carry out education, the training program that cooperated with an outside expert and consultant.

Measures about cyber security

Declaration of the "SECURITY ACTION" two star

I declare the self of the "SECURITY ACTION" two star and work on information security measures.

Information security basic policy

The Takenaka Wire Cloth Co., Ltd. (following, we) recognizes that it is a social duty to protect the personal information of the customer and our information assets carefully and I raise entire company and work on information security and protection of the personal information. Our basic policy is applied centering on the next main point to meet social trust with user.

1.The leadership and responsibility of the manager
The management layer leads it and understands importance of the information security deeply and promotes the continuous posture that by being improved, all employees work together.

2.Setting of the system and person in charge in the company
I appoint a chief privacy officer to strengthen a regime of information security and the personal information protection and perform a periodical review and maintain a high regime of the effect.

3.The legal and fair information handling
I make the use purpose clear and acquire the personal information by a legitimate and fair method. Collection, the use limits it within the purpose that I stated clearly beforehand and performs the offer to the outside with the approval of the person unless it is based on laws and ordinances.

4.Thorough security measures
I carry out technical physical human measures thoroughly to prevent unauthorized access or information leakage. Particularly, I make full use of a firewall, anti-virus software, cryptographic technology, authorization management and secure safety of the information.

5.Right protection of user
I cope with an inquiry about the personal information of user and a request of a correction, the deletion quickly and appropriately and perform the correspondence that respected a right of user.

6.Accident correspondence and prevention of recurrence
When the accident about personal information and information assets occurs, I identify an influence range immediately and notify the person concerned and carry out diagnostication and recurrence preventive measures by any chance.

7.Continuous improvement
The regime of information security and the personal information protection plans improvement depending on a review, the latest laws and ordinances and social needs regularly.

We will make an effort for the making of environment that all employees can trade in response to social trust with a customer in peace as a team based on this policy.

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